School Shouldn't be Frustrating
Is your child’s learning hindered by a vision problem?
Vision problems often interfere with reading and learning. Contact us today for a vision assessment.
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Optimize Your
See the ball before your competitor.
Sports vision therapy develops better hand/eye coordination, eye tracking, depth perception, & reaction time.
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Vision is more than 20/20
Vision disorders can happen even with perfect sight.
What are vision processing disorders and how can we help?
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Welcome to
Next Level Vision

Vision Therapyalso known as visual rehabilitation, eye training or vision training is a highly successful treatment for vision problems. Often people believe that 20/20 eyesight means they could not have vision problems. Eyesight is merely one assessment of the visual system.


Developmental Optometrist

Dr. Alycia Green attended University of Houston College of Optometry, receiving her Doctorate of Optometry in 1999. She is a licensed Therapeutic Optometrist and Optometric Glaucoma Specialist.  Dr. Green is a member of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development.

Request an Appointment

Our experts travel to you! We make vision therapy easy by scheduling appointments in your home, gym or school.